dinsdag 16 oktober 2012

boek Duurzaam bouwen in Vlaanderen

Source: DO Vlaanderen

Het Departement Duurzame Ontwikkeling van de Vlaamse Overheid heeft een boek gepubliceerd waarin 10 duurzame bouwprojecten beschreven worden die op de ene of andere manier door hen financieel ondersteund werden.
Het is een mooi Voorbeeldboek Duurzaam Bouwen in Vlaanderen - Momentopname in 10 projecten geworden.

zondag 14 oktober 2012


Klimaatverandering is een interessante blog met allerlei berichten over de klimaatverandering geschreven door Bart Verheggen, een Nederlandse atmosferische wetenschapper. Een goed startpunt in duidelijk verstaanbare taal voor wie nog vragen heeft over wat we wel en nog niet weten over de klimaatverandering. 

dinsdag 9 oktober 2012

Container gardening

Another untraditional form of gardening or farming, apart from urban farming, is container gardening or vertical gardening. There are many initiatives and some are less sustainable than they seem, as is shown in the Low-tech Magazine. But on this blog, the Belgian honorary professor Willem Van Cothem, who is a specialist in desertification, poverty and dryland gardening, tries to collect all kinds of interesting and useful information on container gardening.

zaterdag 6 oktober 2012

Urban Farming examples

Source: Potage-Toit

New York with its more than 600 projects, is leader in the field of urban farming. Jan Vannoppen, managing director of VELT, the Flemish organisation for ecological living and gardening, was in NY from Octobre 3-7 to visit some of these projects. He blogged about his visit on MO (in Dutch).
More information on urban farming projects (mainly in the US) can be found on the website of Urban Farming.
Examples of window farming can be found hereExamples of urban farming in Belgium can be found on the website of Greenmarx or in the blog of Potage-Toit (in French and Dutch) about an urban farming project in the centre of Brussels.

vrijdag 5 oktober 2012

The AI PassivHaus in Scotland

Source: AI PassivHaus

The AI Passivhaus in Scotland was the first certified passive house in England (in 2009). It partly is a renovation of a barn and partly a new, underground building to reduce the visual and environmental impact on the landscape to a minimum. Very interesting is their extensive blog on the construction process with a huge amount of pictures.

Betonkernactivering voor woningen

BlueCasco is een Nederlands concept voor prefabwoningen waarin betonkernactivering voorzien wordt in de wanden. Een modelwoning is gebouwd in Lelystad en wordt gemonitord door de TU Eindhoven. Meer informatie vind je in dit artikel van Duurzaam Gebouwd.

donderdag 4 oktober 2012

How to save food without using a fridge?

Source: Savefoodfromthefridge

The Korean designer Jihyun Riyou is inspired by the traditional oral knowledge of saving food without using a fridge, knowledge that has been used in her country in the past. She designed a whole system to save fruit, potatoes, herbs, vegetables, ...without using a fridge. All details can be found on her site. She also keeps a blog to share her ideas and where she asks everyone to share his/her knowledge.

dinsdag 2 oktober 2012

A nice view on our virtual water consumption

Angela Morelli is an young information designer and she made a very nice infographic on how much virtual water we consume every day. Virtual water is not the water we visibly use at home to bath, clean and cook, but the water that has been used to produce all the food and stuff we consume every day. Just scroll down to enroll the whole story.
Other infographics can be found on her website.